Archive for the ‘Poems’ Category

Mudpies and Fun

I love lemons can’t you see

Squeeze it, roll it, toss it with glee

Smell it, spray it, fiddle dee dee

Lemon pie is just for me

Mud pies on the other hand

Squish them, mould them, it’s just grand

Shape them into little mounds

Or cookies that are ever so round

Childhood should be carefree and safe

With peaks of laughter, a secure place

To run, gambol, and jump with joy

Sheer fun for every girl and boy

(C) Wendy Robinson All Rights Reserved

Sometimes all you need is to break the routine and have some fun. ~ Rubyanne

Disclaimer: Thanks go to the photographers of the above images.

The Game

The Game

She steadies her gaze in keen-eyed focus

Belying the act with her languishing body

The long grass tickles her whiskers

Her ears flicker from the incessant insects

The noonday sun beats down without mercy

She keeps to her post with studied patience

Her cubs gambol in and around her feet

Oblivious to her plans for a late dinner

The shadows of the tall grass

Camouflage the leopard’s coat

and obscure her sleek, lean lines

and belie the strength of her muscular frame

A sharp and sudden change in her demeanour

Reveals a neck elongated in sharp expectancy

And eyes that narrow in complete concentration

She steadies herself for the rush of adrenaline

The straggler tantalises with its lazy totter

Unaware of the approaching danger

The gap widens between the herd and the ambler

The feline’s ferocious sprint barely raises a hair’s breath of wind

The victim’s pain is but brief when the leopard sinks

It’s vice-like but deadly grip over its throat.

The futile struggle is over in seconds

Mother and cubs will feast tonight

The circle of life continues on!

(C) Wendy Robinson

All Rights Reserved

You see, when we die, our bodies become the grass,

and the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all

connected in the great Circle of Life.

~ Mufasa (The Lion King)

Disclaimer: My thanks go to the photographers from Free images, Pinterest, Unsplash and Pixabay for the above images. They are magnificent.

Life’s Journey


I look in the mirror What do I see

Curious eyes staring back at me

A face wrinkled and hair so grey

Who is that I ask in dismay

Where’s daddy’s little laughing girl

Rosy cheeked and hair in curls

Skipping and twirling in delight

Being tossed like a feather so light

Helping mummy with the twins

Learning to use diapers and pins

Playing hide n seek with Nan

Or building castles in the sand

High school, hockey, study and dance

Shakespeare, Van Gogh, Maths to advance

Prom night’s excitement is now near

Time keeps marching on I fear

College, graduation, time is flying

Tokyo and Paris are each vying

Far off lands beckon and call

No time to think, I’m having a ball

The city of love, romance and heart

Hit my love and I with a wee dart

Wedding bells to a baby cot

This blissful life becomes my lot

Christenings and birthdays mark the years

Happiness, laughter and some tears

The cycle of life continues along

Leading us onward through this song

Fears, problems, issues and more

Milestones, setbacks, life lessons galore

A mixed bag of both fortune and strife

It’s all part and parcel of a full life

Back to the mirror, what’s before me

My reflection, a vision for all to see

The lines reveal the downs and ups

Life’s journey is an overflowing cup

(C) Wendy Robinson All rights reserved

March 2019

I wrote this in honour of my mother, just after she passed in March three years ago.

Disclaimer: Thank you to Anthony Metcalf @ antsphotography14 for the above photo.

For what it’s worth, it’s never too late, or in my case too early, to be whatever you want to be.

There’s no time limit. Start whenever you want! You can change or stay the same. There are no rules to this thing. We can make the best or the worst of it.

I hope you see things that startle you.

I hope you feel things you never felt before.

I hope you meet people who have a different point of view.

I hope you live a life you’re proud of, and if not, I hope you have the courage to start all over again. ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald

Be My V❤️lentine

We were in kindergarten together

We held each other’s hands

We kissed in innocence and freedom

While happily playing in the sand

We played all day with our friends

As the hours passed into days

I don’t remember when we stopped

And went our separate ways

On our last day of junior school

My laugh was altogether feigned

We exchanged a parting glance

And I turned to see you again

We stood awkwardly and embraced

I clung on to you regardless

What did it mean, why did I feel

The sudden loss and emptiness.

You kissed me suddenly and I felt

A pain as we drew apart

It left a deep impression

In my head and in my heart

I thought of you so often

Through the intervening years

But study and other friendships

Kept me busy with my peers

With Thanksgiving approaching

I planned a trip home, alone

We ran into one another

On the coach trip bound for home

My heart skipped a beat

As I watched you smile at me

What is this feeling of confusion

It is all a mystery

This time however it was I

Who reached out for a kiss

It sure was soft and tender

My heart felt a sudden bliss

We loved each other in kindergarten

It was all so long ago

But the years have made no difference

Our love’s still all aglow

Today we say our sacred vows

To love forever more

Neath the blue sky up above

And the unspoilt sandy shore

If I knew then as I know now

That we were meant to be

I still would give God thanks for

Guiding you to loving me

(C) Wendy Robinson

All rights reserved (Composed February 2018)

Its been an exercise in observations after I discovered two little pre-schoolers who have a deep affection for each other. They were both two years old at the time and even after they started kindergarten and elementary/primary school, their abiding friendship has continued. They are both nine years old now!

I wrote this poem in the fanciful possibility that they just might end up with each other in the future. There have also been a number of accounts online, about friendships that have developed from school age to love and wedding bells. Let me know in the comments if you know of ‘young love’ who have ended up with each other.

You don’t love someone because they’re perfect

You love them in spite of the fact that they’re not. ~ Jodi Picoult

My thanks go to for the graphic art above.


It’s got you
It won’t let go
It’s glued on
It’s a tenacious hold
It’s laughing at you
It’s mocking you
It thinks it has won

It’s wrong

Take mini steps to fight
Take it seriously
Take support that’s offered
Take it graciously
Take advice on board
Take it right within
Take a deep breath

You will win

Take time to rest
Take time to heal
Take time to relax
Take time for meals
Take time to laugh
Take time to cry
Take time for yourself

You will survive

Remember to fight
Remember the gain
Remember the insight
Remember yourself
Remember others
Remember laughter
Remember joy

Give praise

Enjoy the sunrise
Enjoy the new day
Enjoy rain and the rainbow
Enjoy clouds and their shapes
Enjoy the wide, open landscapes
Enjoy the unexpected
Enjoy those who love you

Give thanks

(C) Wendy Robinson All Rights Reserved

No one escapes pain, fear and suffering. Yet from pain can come wisdom, from fear can come courage, from suffering can come strength – if we have the virtue of resilience. ~ Eric Greitens (Resilience)


Life should be full of rosy hues

Sunshine and laughter

To ward away the blues

Sunkissed mornings at first light

Glorious sunsets at close of night

Happy times midst nature’s seasons

From fire lights dancing

And moonbeams streaming

To fragile webs decked with dew

Like diamond garlands for all to view

Flowers swaying to a gentle breeze

Leaden with nectar for honey bees

Insects about on their gossamer wings

While all around they buzz and sing

Like a chorus in effortless flight

Reflecting nature in dawning light

Dappled sunbeams peeping through

Carpeting the ground in colourful hue

A scene that portrays a peaceful theme

Languid, picturesque, quiet and serene


© Wendy Robinson All Rights Reserved

It is hard not to stand in awe and enchantment with the beauty in which nature expresses herself.                                                                                                          ~Steve Maraboli

I will admit, I’m not very confident with my poems, so if you do like them, please comment and let me know.

Disclaimer: Two of the photos are my own work. My sincere thanks go to the photographers of the web and the dragonfly.

The Drover And His Dog

This is a poem I had written sometime back and it is about the daily, working, life of a drover/shepherd and his dog. I am sure there are times when the simple routine would be more appealing than the frenetic life many of us lead.

Noun – A drover is someone whose job or occupation is to make sheep or cattle move from one place to another in groups.


He sits before the flickering fire

The drover with his trusty dog

Under the endless, starlit night

Stealing warmth from blackened logs


His work-worn hardened hands

Labour tirelessly from dawn to dusk

Herding his flock over rocks and land

To earn his meagre, daily crust


The sheep, they know his unspoken commands

And his faithful companion’s bark

Their aimless, bodies huddle or move

And graze from morn till dark


Day is done when he settles down

Neath the stars and the hound who parks

His weary body upon the ground

And beside the wind swept sparks


Gazing up at the velvet expanse

This man of simple needs

Savours silence over the darkened land

With blessed contentment indeed


(C) Wendy Robinson September 2015 All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: My thanks go to the various photographers for these shots of the drover and the working dogs.

If you have any comment, I would love to hear it.

Phoenix Arise

This is dedicated to two of my friends who are going through tough times and also for all those who need encouragement. For JC and JF: Please remember: Your heart is big and your spirit is even bigger.

When the chips are down and you’re feeling low

When the tide turns and you’re being towed

When the world is against you and your spirit burns

When you hit rock bottom and there’s nowhere to turn

Look deep within you to draw from your soul

Seek strength and solace and make it your goal

To rise above the hurt, pain and tears

And face the world despite your fears

This is the step and the leap you will take

To heal your broken spirit and the heart break

Remember, the rainbow in its glorious hues

Only after rain and storm, appears on cue

To renew your spirit and grace the skies

While you, like the mythical Phoenix, will rise


© Wendy Robinson All rights reserved

Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think. ~Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh (by A.A. Milne)

Disclaimer: My thanks go to the artist of the above image.

I would love to hear your comment. Please feel free to do so.


Love’s Gamble


A Valentine Day’s Post: This is in special honour of J & A and all those who fear the courtship ritual of making the first move. It took J ten years (yes, you’ve read it correctly) before he plucked up the courage to even ask the beautiful A out.

I personally found it endearing and touching that it took J (who sang bass in the same choir as A) so long to pluck up the courage to ask her for a date.

I managed to track down JR, the daughter of J & A and sent her a copy of my poem. She recently viewed the poem and listened to Kyle’s song. This is what she said: Many thanks for your beautiful, generous letter and poem. Congratulations on your blog, and Kyle’s song is lovely. It is touching to know that other people still remember Mum & Dad fondly.


We tend to say less when we need to say more

Talk about the mundane until it starts to bore

All that is hidden, all that’s left unsaid

The latency hides heartache, the fear, the dread


The weather then becomes the discussion du jour

Or the latest travel plans where it’s safe and secure

Our hearts in the meantime beat onwards regardless

Hiding unseen heartache and unfathomable stress


Do we bite the bullet, say all that’s in the heart

How do we find the strength, when do we start

Perhaps today, maybe tomorrow, or could it be never

One has to make the first move before a line is severed.


(C) Wendy Robinson All rights reserved


I learned that courage is not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.

The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid but he who conquers that fear. ~ Nelson Mandela


I hope you enjoy Kyle Richard Hudson’s  ‘Lost For Words‘ which compliments this post.

Kyle: I wrote this one about the experience we’ve all had of not being able to articulate the way we feel.

Please express your appreciation of Kyle’s work, either in the comments or on his video or better yet, subscribe to or share his video.

Thank you Kyle for sharing your song with us.

Disclaimer: My thanks go to the anonymous photographer, who has generously shared his/her online photography for gratis.

Street Life

I dream of soft sheets fragrant with sunshinehouse_sleeping

Enfolding me in a warm embrace

Life was safe and happy and endless

But now I am afraid to live and face

Another day of scrounging for food

young girls on the streets of the city young girls on the streets of the city

Or fighting for the spot that is safe

From the wind, rain, rats and roaches

How did I get to be in this place?

Will I ever forget the hard reproaches?

Or the beatings he mercilessly rains

And I’m not even his child but yours681b5a8aa699a740d4474eb363281471

How could you allow him to treat me in vain?

To wrench me from you my only haven

And cast me adrift in a sea of maelstrom

Now I’m free, yet not with you

Life is passing, I feel old and abused080815_young_girl_homeless

Lost, searching in fear and blind view

Hope has ceased, there is no more wonder

Instead, needles, pain and soulful hunger

Oh where are you who was once my mother.

(C) Wendy Robinson May 2015 All rights reserved

I wrote this poem back in May 2015. It is to honour those who face the streets on a daily basis.

According to Homelessness Australia, over 105,000 people experience homelessness every single day/night in Australia and the major cause of homelessness is family and domestic violence, followed closely by financial difficulties.

Homelessness Week in Australia, which raises awareness of all those who experience this plight, was held between 1 to 7 August this year.

World Homeless Day was on 10 October 2016.

Sometimes things happen that makes no sense at all, you ask yourself how can another person wilfully hurt another. It is more a statement of disbelief than a question.

All we can hope for is that our collective voice against the inhumanity of the few and our universal desire to live in a compassionate filled world extinguish the fire of hatred others have spawned. Let us not forsake our humanity. ~ Dodinsky (In the Garden of Thoughts)

Disclaimer: All the above from photos have been garnered from the internet. My thanks go to the respective photographers.