Posts tagged ‘sheep’

The Drover And His Dog

This is a poem I had written sometime back and it is about the daily, working, life of a drover/shepherd and his dog. I am sure there are times when the simple routine would be more appealing than the frenetic life many of us lead.

Noun – A drover is someone whose job or occupation is to make sheep or cattle move from one place to another in groups.


He sits before the flickering fire

The drover with his trusty dog

Under the endless, starlit night

Stealing warmth from blackened logs


His work-worn hardened hands

Labour tirelessly from dawn to dusk

Herding his flock over rocks and land

To earn his meagre, daily crust


The sheep, they know his unspoken commands

And his faithful companion’s bark

Their aimless, bodies huddle or move

And graze from morn till dark


Day is done when he settles down

Neath the stars and the hound who parks

His weary body upon the ground

And beside the wind swept sparks


Gazing up at the velvet expanse

This man of simple needs

Savours silence over the darkened land

With blessed contentment indeed


(C) Wendy Robinson September 2015 All Rights Reserved

Disclaimer: My thanks go to the various photographers for these shots of the drover and the working dogs.

If you have any comment, I would love to hear it.