Day 5 – Coffee anyone?

Today’s gratitude post is an easy one. I had to go to our local shopping centre to do a number of errands, after stopping off at a workshop. On completing all my tasks, I stood in a checkout queue and pondered if I should head home immediately or stop for a takeaway coffee. Just then, my phone buzzed and I was delighted to see it was a girl friend. She asked me if I was free and would consider coming in for a coffee. I laughed and told her it was a wonderful coincidence as I was already in the area and would love to join her.

I had had an emotional morning so this impromptu and unexpected get-together gave me a lift. We enjoyed a chat, some cake and coffee.

What a beautiful way to honour International Women’s Day! Here’s to friendship and coffee!

(C) Wendy Robinson All rights reserved

There are some people in life that make you laugh a little louder, smile a little bigger and live just a little bit better. ~Unknown

Disclaimer: Thank you to the photographer and the barista who created the above image.

Hmmm …coffee! Have you any coffee moments to share? I would love to hear them.

Comments on: "Day 5 – Coffee anyone?" (8)

  1. Lovely timing for you.
    I clicked on your post email and left to fill my coffee cup. Came back to read about your coffee adventure. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Its a uplift to my day seeing that you are having a nice day 😀


  3. Sometimes the impromtu meetings are the best. So glad your outing lifted your spirits. I have no coffee stories off the top of my head but I’ve just remembered I need coffee–ugh, tomorrow morning is not going to be pretty. 😱😵


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